Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Festivities are Endless

G'day Mates,

Hold onto your seats, the past couple of weekends have actually been filled with festivities!! I have been shown around Caloundra, taken 2 exams, wrote a 5 page paper and been to the beach multiple times. Basically livin' the dream!

The sun is finally out more than it is away, and it is here with a vengeance. I broke my love heart sunnies...long live the heart sunnies. So I will be needing to purchase a new pair because my eyes cannot handle this bright sunshine! I've never seen a sky bluer than it is here, and of course the sunsets still amaze me.

I know I said I would be going to the zoo this weekend...well, I lied. But, I will be going this weekend I believe! I also think I am keen to climb another mountain this week and go to the beach on Wednesday maybe. (Please hold the jealousy eyes!) As you can see, the festivities are beginning to become endless and it's not even "spring break" yet! Which I am planning on going to Fraser Island with some friends for a couple of days and the Great Barrier Reef! So there will be a blog following that, but maybe not for a week after, which you are all used to by now. I apologize for my inconsistency.

School is starting to wind down a little before spring break and then finals. Yikes, I cant believe I only have a few more weeks till it's all over...

I can truly say this has been one giant life changing experience for me though. I do  not regret anything, and absolutely love it here. I have some pictures at the bottom for everyone to enjoy this time, yay! Hope everyone enjoyed, until next time friends :)

Peace and Love,

 these next pictures are some I've taken for my Digital Photography Class. Not too shabby I  must say

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