G'day Mates,
You have hit the jack pot this week! I feel awful about missing blog posts lately, so I got my butt up and went to the zoo in order to have something to write about for you guys. Thank you for motivating me because....I WENT TO THE ZOO!!! After weeks of anticipation, I finally got to go to the zoo, and I must say it was well worth the wait.
The day started off on a wonderfully sunny Wednesday morning. Meg and I were on the bus straight for the zoo! When we reached our destination, we quickly realized we, being 20 year olds, were in the minority. In line in front of us were tons of moms with bags packed for the whole day and a minimum of 2 kids; and yet, Meg and I were the most excited to be there I think.
The day was a typical zoo day really. Except we saw plenty of animals native to Straya, which I must say was pretty cool. We went through an exhibit that was FILLED with snakes and where there lived on the continent....lets just say I should be more cautious about them apparently. Moving on. This zoo was amazing! There were lizards just running around everywhere. At first, Meg and I were kind of panicking that maybe some of the animals were let out of their exhibits, but alas we were fine :)
We went with the flow for the whole day. The sun was beautiful, the walks were relaxing, and we got plenty of shopping in. Along with all of the typical zoo activities, we did other things to make this zoo trip stand out. For starters, we made friends with some kangaroos. We got to pet them, sit with them, and even feed them! Now, we were still a little frightened. At one point, I had a kangaroo jump at me while I was sitting down...scariest situation of my life. We also got to see one kangaroo get jealous of another one for still having food left and push it...very forcefully. Lets just say if I was to get pushed my a kangaroo, I would get broken in half. After seeing the kangaroos, we went and did the cutest most touristy thing ever, we held koalas!!! The little guy cuddled up with me and everything, and had really sharp claws. Yikes, but it was definitely worth it. To end our fantastic day, Meg and I watched a tiger show, saw some African animals, and watched a crocodile show (which was kind of suspenseful...I feared for the zookeeper's life...and so did he) while eating ice cream and slushies. We also went by the birds of prey cage, and to our disappointment, magpies weren't in there. I think they made a mistake in leaving them out.
I can truly say these two crazy cats enjoyed the relaxing day at the zoo. It was very needed before these next couple of hectic weeks before finals. I hope you all enjoyed the post and pictures at the bottom. Have a lovely day!
Peace and Love,
Male turkeys were making nests to impress the females
Skeleton of the largest snake in Australia...
Warming up to the roos
Best friends now!
So naturally that means selfie time :)
Meet the 15 month year old girl camel Gypsie! I think she's very photogenic
Cute baby Koala...my my was blown from cuteness!
Me holding the Koala!! If you look closely you can see the claws piercing into my arm...so you know it's real. It was kind of painful, but a million times worth it!! Such a cuddler
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