Long time no blog. A lot has occurred in the past week! The biggest, most important thing is it was orientation week!!! Now, although I used three exclamation marks, orientation still stinks in another country (I'm sorry Lay! I didn't have you as my orientation leader to make it better at BW!!). I give Australia credit though, they really tried to make it interesting. They had multicolored ribbon lining the sidewalk, breakfast three of the five days, a scavenger hunt, tours, mentors, CANDY! And yet it was still a struggle to make it through. Oh well, it's over and done and now it's time for classes to start. I also discovered that they serve pancakes here....with ice cream! Seriously, perfection.
Biggest reality check of my life. I had a great week and half filled with so many new friends from all over the world. I was in my own little bubble I swear! Life. Is. Perfect.
Then tonight (it is 7 pm Sunday night) I got on Blackboard. Worst decision of my life, because in that moment I realized I am here for school. Huh, completely forgot about that. So, because it's me, I, of course, had a panic attack for an hour over classes.
But when I sit back and look at all of my stuff, it's truly not that scary. I'm overall very excited and nervous and truly ready to start classes. I'd go broke if classes didn't start to occupy my time!
One more very important thing, I hope my family members read this article because you were all right!! Mackenzie Kaddl I'm talking to you! I was walking around campus with my good friend here and all of a sudden we hear this awful screeching and BAM!! A BIRD WAS DIVE BOMBING US!!! So naturally we take off screaming and running across campus while these birds are trying to scratch our faces off and these three women are just sitting back and watching us. It was the most traumatizing experience of my life. If anyone goes to Australia, stay away from these birds nests!!!!!!! Consider yourselves warned.
Megan (Philly)
Kayne :)
Barth! (NY)
Michelle with Sarah Brault (NY)
Sarah Barth (NY)
Sarah Brault (NY)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is real
Buffalo Girls, Meg, and I
Megan, Oscar (my roommate), and I
That is all I have for everyone this week! If you are friends with me on Facebook I will continue to put pictures up as I take them!
Peace and Love,